Part 1 (unedited)

Posted in Death and the Macabre, Martial Arts and Training with tags on April 6, 2023 by His Dark Side

The following is my book and details my experiences learning Martial Arts:

Glass Face

Be a light unto yourself in a world that is utterly becoming dark.

Jiddu Krishnamurthi 

Prologue – The Nightmare 

My daddy, would smell like shit and urine.

His intoxicated mass sprawled in the kitchen, or on streets, or police cell floors when they found him.

When teetering on the precipice of sober-drunk, he’d crash through bedroom doors

I’d shiver with silent fright, upon hearing his heavy boots trudging, as unsure off-balanced feet met flower carpeted floor.

His violence erupting, as his eyes flared crimson lazer beams.

My mummy would be sent reeling, and there’d be dulcet sobs, which were the wake following her muffled screams.

I’d run and hide in wardrobes, behind furniture and when he found me I’d hide inside my mind, or the safe fantasy veils within my dreams.

-I write this now and question whether it really was as bad as my mind would have it seem?-

My early imprints are of broken glass and shattered hopes. My childhood was an environ where damp crept across the wailing walls.

And although this is an outright lie, my nightmares fixate upon waves of sorrow, drenching corridors and halls.

Alcohol was his destroyer. I never learnt what he was running away from. Those causes that made him drink himself numb, a wayfarer to oblivion.

The intervening drunken moments when he walked away, left me running fingers over burning bruised skin. 

Welts were my companions, and warm purple stains.

Marks I hid under cardigan sleeves so that I could focus on carrying just the weight of shame behind the veil of wool.

My daddy was a good man, somewhere deep inside. 

But the flowing blood of nobility and hope, became staunched, withered, that cold Monday morning when he died.

Broken Glass

Broken, jagged glass was pushed into his face by the attacker. 

There was a feint crunch as the bottle ground against cheek and orbital bone. The sound resonated across Leicester Square, London. Onlookers stood, ensnared and frozen. Psychologists might refer to this as an example of the ‘Bystander Effect;’ which results in an overriding inability to consciously process reality, and therefore act.

It felt to me as if things had slowed down. Classically symptomatic of the time distortion suffered by anyone who suffers an adrenal surge. 

The bystander effect teaches us that the more people who are around when a person needs assistance, the lower the likelihood anyone will help. And there were a lot of people present. 

I couldn’t move. I was transfixed in a fugue.

The only part of me which still seemed to operate outside of the confines of surreality were my eyes. They scanned the periphery, searching for validation that this wasn’t just a moment of mild lucidity within a dream like state. The luminescence of the night scene shone brightly. Neon hues of red and blue reflected onto the pavement where a light sheen of rain had created natures’ mirror.

Suddenly, the world became a vague, mottled shadow of shapes and sounds which had once been familiar to me. As I stared blankly into this inverted mirror world it became decrepit, an abhorrent version of the society I knew and loved. 

Ultra-violence was being dispensed for all to viddy. Are people really this malevolent? 

Are we human beings so depraved that we would draw blood over the trifles of everyday living?

Is it worth changing the course of a persons life in an instant of depraved aggression?

The victim had crumpled to the ground, his back sliding against the metal shutters of a shop window. His arms writhed. He was still alive. There were murmurs from the crowds. Sounds of devastated gasps from girls in mini-skirts and their accompanying neotenous, quasi-alpha male boyfriends.

We had just exited Limelights nightclub in the early hours of that frigid October morning. A fight which had begun inside the club with the thumping background of hip hop had spilled out onto the streets. And it soon grew apparent that the victims respite from the attack was to be short-lived, the broken bottle to his face a prelude to what was to follow.

He gradually rose to a staggered-standing position. Blood flowed down his white jacket creating a slick layer of red reflective goo. It seeped, puddling onto the pavement at his feet. The wound was a crimson spider web of hot cavities and swelling that distorted the entirety of his face. 

He was a mess.

Jagged glass. One piece had fragmented in such a way that it sat upright, like a tombstone, resting atop the slab of paving concrete. The edges glinted neon lights from shops and the reflection of car lights as they dazzled past. Refracted pieces of lighting, fragmented into a skewed reflection onto the floor. Like the duality of light meeting dark, or the opposing forces that make up the symmetrical energies of yin yang, female and male, Jekyll and Hyde. 

The attack had been swift, executed with merciless precision by one medium built, dark complexioned man. But as the victim formed words, bellowing and grunting with accompanying flailing arms, his message started to take form, cursing the aggressor; “come on then you f*cking c*nt!”  

It had taken only one man with an improvised edged weapon to cause this amount of damage. A group of five youths stepped forwards, evidently friends of the attacker. With swiftness they initiated a joint onslaught on the bloodied man. 

It was a cacophonous outpouring of rage. 

Fists flew into his head and neck. Kicks sporadically peppering him as he slumped back onto the floor. 

And as quickly as the swarming had begun, it was over. 

The group ran away.

The husks of my chilled fingers searched eagerly for the warmth of my jacket. Gently easing into pockets, greased with the sweat of my hands which had suddenly become clammy. Those same hands became cupped within my pockets, longing to feel comfort within the vast abyss of polyester lining. Elbows pressed against torso, muffled by the cushioning inside the duck-down jacket. The delicate pressing of my arms against my body comforted me in what felt to be, the muted bluntness of life resulting in my frozen soul.

The Police

I watched as the victim tried to stand up yet again. Even after the barrage of punches. Even after the kicks and even after the bottle attack. He was pitiful. An embittered and broken soldier who knew not when to give up the fight. It was at the moment he collapsed onto the pavement, that a starch white shirted police officer meandered over to him. He stooped over the victim, yet failed to volunteer a hand of reassurance. Standing at a sensible distance from which to leave his crisp black trousers free of blood stains, the officer, a young white male around the same age as the black victim, opted to speak into his headpiece. It is my hope, so many years after this event, that the the officer called for an ambulance and the young man was rescued.

The back doors to the police van which had been positioned about fifteen yards away from the attack opened and three surly looking officers shuffled out. The van had been there for the entire duration of the attack. It had been parked before people started filtering out of the nightclub. Is is my firm belief that the police had looked on the whole time choosing to be complacent. Perhaps the idea that an attack on a black youth, carried out by other black youths did not merit their immediate attention.

Inside the Club

That night in 1993, I came close to being that victim. Only an hour earlier I had been dancing in the club. My friends were lost somewhere on the dance floor or more likely, trying to chat up birds at the bar. Like so many nights out, I found myself locked into the rhythm of rap music, sweating on the dance floor. There always tended to be a bustling crowd. London attracted some of the best DJ’s and even weekday nights meant the venues were full of punters.

My Favourite Horror Films

Posted in Uncategorized on January 25, 2022 by His Dark Side

Omen trilogy
Let The Right One In
Devils Backbone
Horror of Dracula
Fright Night (original)
Lost Boys
American Werewolf in London

Anima Vestra – Your Soul

Posted in Uncategorized on June 19, 2018 by His Dark Side

My Gym – the 36th Chamber

Posted in Uncategorized on February 8, 2015 by His Dark Side

I sit composing my frame and body, allowing breathing to steady and heartbeat to settle. The heat is turned up in the gym, and I wait for it to warm while water simmers. Black coffee first. I’ll also empty by bowels.

There is a dark ritual that allows me to enter a physical resource state for exercise. Focus has to be precise. Any lapse or break in concentration can make me depart from a good workout. Building muscle isn’t my goal, yet it remains a welcomed by-product.

Instead, it is about movement. The improvement in function of my body.
In many ways the gym is a torture chamber. It is my haven, a cleansed space only for my use. My creation. Patiently it awaits my entrance.


Art of War – Quote

Posted in Uncategorized on February 3, 2015 by His Dark Side

“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him.
If he is in superior strength, evade him.
If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him.
Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.
If he is taking his ease, give him no rest.
If his forces are united, separate them.
If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them.
Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.”
Sun Tzu
(The Art of War)



Posted in Uncategorized on January 30, 2015 by His Dark Side


Gung Fu Claw

Posted in Uncategorized on January 30, 2015 by His Dark Side

“Sidi, finga powah!” he exclaimed, with his brow deeply furrowed.

Sifu Leung called me “Sidi” for the 11 year period that I trained with him in Red Boat Wing Chun. And despite having lived in England for a couple of years before I met him, he had adopted only the most rudimentary English words which he spewed out with a strong Mandarin accent.

He grabbed my forearm and demonstrated what he meant by ‘finger power’ which I will try to briefly explain by describing what I felt and saw.

I watched as he grabbed my arm and the tips of his fingers became embedded, pressed into my flesh. There was a white hot burning sensation where his nails threatened to tear into skin and I saw the veins furiously pop up across striated muscles of his tensed forearm.

In that instant, Sifu taught me that when you grab a person your hand should resemble a piercing claw.

The intent is to grab through fascia, skin, superficial tissue, and dig in such a way that you feel the separation of strands of muscle, into the rigid depth point of bone. When you seize, do it in such a way that you control the opponent whilst also making him feel pain.

This is Gung Fu.


Anxiety, Gung Fu and MMA

Posted in Martial Arts and Training on January 29, 2015 by His Dark Side

I have low level anxiety before training MMA. Moments of doubt and self deprecation creep in, in which being a Gung Fu man feels more like a limiting factor.

The rounds are timed during (no gi) grappling bouts and my main training partners are not only seasoned veterans, but also ex-fighters.

Last night my main grappling coach took me apart in a calculated way. Strength and explosiveness are his forte. After him came an Olympic level wrestler, who is blindingly fast and fluid. And the 30 seconds respite wasn’t enough before I faced a hyper-flexible Jiu Jitsu black belt.

Words of encouragement are cold comfort at times like this.

They say that you are only as good as your training partners. My partners are world class. Mostly, I feel entirely out of my depths, but I freely admit that grappling makes me uncomfortable (even if I have reached a level of competence).

Yet, when gloves are strapped on and I have the freedom to self express with footwork, punches and kicks, there is no anxiety.

There is just union with the grand ultimate, a feeling of oneness with all creation.

This is when Gung Fu becomes liberating.

Wu Wei, Gung Fu and Anger

Posted in Martial Arts and Training on January 27, 2015 by His Dark Side

Flowing in natural harmony with ones personality and disposition is supremely martial. Unlike others, I do not suppress nor repress my processes with a view to, inter alia, presenting myself as a noble, yet altogether vacuous, being. When I am angry, I allow for the mechanism of violence to flow freely and adrenalin and cortisol to be secreted without restraint.

By allowing one to flow in natural harmony with the inclinations of the body is wu wei; the active-elusive of ‘unforced action’. The limiting constraint however is to channel such behaviours into manifestations that aren’t overtly destructive, I hit heavy bags, spar and practice Gung Fu. This is martial arts and I doubt whether any man will be able to misalign the totality of my thoughts to present me with a new paradigm shift akin to Kuhn’s Theorem of Scientific Revolution. I have stood on the shoulders of two behemoths, Leung, Kwok-Keung sifu and Jesse Glover, sifu. So what threat would you pose with flaccid words and mediocre martial capability?

The alternate schema appears to be one of exaggerated political correctness and the casting of aspersions onto another. When one speaks in individual tones of accusations toward another, just as you have spoken to me, it becomes a supremely cowardly act considering the limitations of time and space for me to have the pleasure of looking you in the eye and welcoming critical observations. But you wouldn’t want to fuck with me. Trust.

Rather than asking for justifications of your inflammatory language I would defer to Jung and ask; what insecurities exist within you (and your psyche) which you are seeking to project.

Darkness reigns supreme.


Anti-Life Equation

Posted in Uncategorized on January 27, 2015 by His Dark Side

condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=dark side

(Grant Morrison)


Evolve or Die

Posted in Martial Arts and Training on January 27, 2015 by His Dark Side

“No problem. Your technique is really getting slick.” (One of my Grappling coaches)

Constantly pursuing the goal of evolution in my martial journey, I am currently training with several freestyle grappling coaches and an Olympic level wrestling coach. Since my last mentor Jesse Glover died (and the bullshit bickering amongst his students as to the heirs of Non Classical Gung Fu) I’ve devoted my time to training Red Boat Wing Chun and NCGF with my small group, whilst becoming a student at an MMA gym (where I coach a striking class).

Yet again, all of my free time involves physical training or research into training methods.

The rest of the world can burn, just leave me to my own training; this is the true path of Gung Fu.

Fight Notes from My IPhone (excerpt)

Posted in Martial Arts and Training on January 27, 2015 by His Dark Side

Against southpaw boxer use solid right jab and left hook (very effective).

In grappling apply more pressure and stay on top of opponent.

Stretch shoulders by punching different angles, straight, up, down,back, across.
Amir khan effective because he makes few mistakes, not because he’s an exceptional boxer. Covers chin well with right hand. Is able to counter opponents counter punches. Good at stringing combinations of body and head shots.

Sugar ray Robinson was brilliant puncher who used outside shots and loose open guard. Particularly good shovel hooks and upper cuts.

Against tight guard, use pawing shots. Open guard use lunging straights.

“To learn Gung Fu you have to be patient.” Abbot (Hitman in the Hand of Buddha)

“The opponent does not know me;
I alone know him.” Attributed to Wang Tsung-yueh [Wang Zongyue] (18th Century) Tai Chi Master

Ghost Fighting is a counter punching style where you lean back and counter on either side of opponents lead (you come away on Y formation). Practice it as a drill with puncher stepping forward and you backing off on angles with counters on inside.

Mastery occurs when information is neurally assimilated and accessing it appears to operate unconsciously. It is when the operation of a skill happens in a flow state and appears to be like magic.

“The problem is that most people don’t want to train that hard.” Jesse Glover


Posted in Uncategorized on January 26, 2015 by His Dark Side

“The aspirant has to be guided by a mentor. The stage at which this guidance can take effect is seldom, if ever, perceptible to the learner. Those who say ‘I am ready to learn’, or ‘I am not ready to learn’ are as often mistaken as they are correct in their surmise. Yet the aspirant must try, neither thinking that he is nothing, not ‘trying to sit on a throne’. I found this couplet in the Persian text of Rumi’s Letters: If you cannot sit on a throne like a king, seize, like a tent-pitcher, the rope of the Royal tent.” Idries Shah


Posted in Uncategorized on January 26, 2015 by His Dark Side

What does it take to be a Master? Deliberate practice? 10,000 hours? Is it a kind of magick, ethereal and esoteric? Is it something accessible to us all? Is it about knowing, but without conscious thought, like Wu-shin (or Mushin)?

Chi Sao – Energetics

Posted in Uncategorized on January 25, 2015 by His Dark Side

It’s unfair to indict a persons skill without at least some explanation.

In my opinion:

The bridge (arm) work is overemphasized when the essence of chi sau is connectivity to the ground: a) sinking hips (kwa) b) creating a balanced yet heavy feeling in the legs which enable c) a positive connection of the root of the body.

I don’t see any sinking of the hip or positioning of legs that suggest he is rooted. Without root, the higher levels of skill will never manifest.

***The legs represent yin structure or heaviness while the arms and upper are yang, light and relaxed.

It is easy to use labels and Chinese expressions to suggest expertise but quite often this scheme is used to create a perception in the unsophisticated student that you know what you’re talking about. Kau sau (detaining arm) and gum sau (pinning arm) are used in error here.

One has to be careful about creating solid shapes. There are only 3 hand positions, tan (disperse), fook (subdue) and bong (deflect). These 3 clear separate positions were not evident which made it look like lazy rolling. Without correct shapes, there is no issuing or transfer of power from the root, up the torso and directly into the opponent.

Elbows have to be pushed to lowest position (while hands are pointed towards openers face) to link power to your own center of mass. If you have lazy elbows there is no connection to the hip and once again no body unity in transfer of power.

It is only when you are rooted that you can steal your opponents balance. Hitting from chi sao is obviously important, but being able to disconnect an opponents connection to the ground is the real reason you “stick” or have an adhesive effect on the opponent.

I’ll stop there…


Sticking Hands in Gung Fu

Posted in Uncategorized on January 24, 2015 by His Dark Side

***applies to sticking hands from Wing Chun and pushing hands from Tai Chi.

It is not the tangible ‘you’ who is sticking, in adhesive totality with the opponent, but more rather your essence.

The body, comprising the appendages, limbs and extending into the digits of your hands, are merely the subframe or conduit by which your essence communicates with the opponent. Your body is merely the physical gateway with corresponding nerve endings, muscle, tissue, fascia, bone and marrow, that allows your essence to conjoin with the opponents essence.

Once contact has been made, allow the physical shell to dissolve and instead redirect your attention toward increasing the feeling within your force field of essence based energy.

Increase it’s depth and potency, following which you must concentrate your Will in projecting your force directly into the opponent.

Similarly, lock onto the essence of the opponent.

Manipulate it.

Bend it.

Twist it.

Take control of the opponents spirit.

Diminish it.

Cut it.

Pierce it.


Opera House Xi-Ban Yong-Chun – Tony Leung

Posted in Uncategorized on January 7, 2015 by His Dark Side

The Headless Horseman

Posted in Martial Arts and Training on March 3, 2014 by ctkwingchun


One of my favourite quotes from The Hagakure is, “I know not the way to defeat others, only the way to defeat myself.”

There is no way of knowing how to beat my opponent.  There is, however, the entire knowledge of how to defeat myself.

Are there holes in my game?

Usually, after years of skill amassment, the issue lies not in gaining more skill but a need to look within – into the mentality of oneself as a fighter.


Posted in Death and the Macabre with tags on January 2, 2014 by ctkwingchun

Lucifer Banished

You’ve finished another year and escaped the Reaper’s hands once again!

Much proud.  Much love.


The Prophet; Self-Knowledge

Posted in Quotes and Articles with tags on December 29, 2013 by ctkwingchun

Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights.

But your ears thirst for the sound of your heart’s knowledge.

You would know in words that which you have always known in thought.

You would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams.


And it is well you should.

The hidden well-spring of your soul must needs rise and run murmuring to the sea;

And the treasure of your infinite depths would be revealed to your eyes,

But let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure;

And seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line.

For self is a sea boundless and measureless.


Say not, ‘I have found the truth,’ but rather, ‘I have found a truth.’

Say not, ‘I have found the path of the soul.’  Say rather, ‘I have met the soul walking upon my path.’

For the soul walks upon all paths.

The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed.

The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.